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global urban futures & the new school @ habitat iii.

Ten members of the New School faculty and fifteen graduate students attended Habitat III

The United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, which took place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17 – 20 October 2016.​ We presented the Habitat Commitment Project at this conference.


Explore our time at Habitat III below.


"At Habitat III, GUF’s message was loud and clear: any new commitments must reflect knowledge about the degree of fulfillment of commitments made by governments at Habitat II. Commitments should not only be about the “what,” the report states, but also the “how.” In other words, how can countries and cities, through their national and urban governments, undertake a more focused and successful effort in reaching new urban goals?

One piece of advice in the HCP stands out: what GUF calls “a New Urban Practice to Achieve a New Urban Agenda.” That watchword points to a more integrated approach that transcends jurisdictional and administrative boundaries, as well as bottom-up solutions emerging from local ecologies, economies, cultures, and institutions.

The assessments also suggest that, despite conventional wisdom on the subject, “economic growth did not automatically lead to the fulfillment of urban goals,” Simet says.


“This suggests that there are non-economic factors driving urban performance,” she adds. “Future research should, therefore, focus on the kinds of institutions, policies, and practices that could better translate progress into urban well-being.”


While the HCP gave GUF students the chance to address a real-world issue, it also provided an opportunity to engage in a unique educational experience. Students were challenged to flesh out the meaning behind the Habitat Agenda commitments, determine which data sets to use, and finally, come up with the indicators measuring country performance."

Photo Gallery
photo gallery.
The Exhibition Booth
the exhibition booth.

The New School Exhibition Booth was open for the entire conference, hosting a total of 42 research presentations from students, faculty, and guest speakers. The Urban Timeline was one entire wall of the booth, and publications by the Global Urban Futures, Observatory on Latin America, New School faculty and students were distributed. See the booth programme below:

Click on the image below to see the programme.


Our side event "Inclusive Urban Practice Beyond Habitat III" was attended by over 200 people.


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